Chcem podporiť

Short english information

Civil association The Light-House Slovakia is a non-governmental and non-profit organization, whose primary goal is to destigmatize the people living with the HIV, including defence and enforcement of their human rights. The focus is also on the prevention of the spread of the HIV/AIDS and other STD´s.

Further goals and activities are:

  • civil assembly in accordance with the mission of the association
  • proffessional medical-educative prevention training and complex advice providing in accordance with the mission and activities of the association
  • education, trainings, seminars, working groups, conferences, consultations, proposals submission and new projects processing in accordance with the mission and activities of the association
  • support for citizen in a challenging situation, social services, support in overcoming the psychological, physical and social consequences and help with re-integration.
  • education of proffessionals and general public
  • organization of incentives, sport events and cultural activities
  • preparation and publication of ecudational materials
  • support in lifelong learning, capacity building, support for the members of association during travels
  • cooperation with local and foreign partners in accordance with the mission and activities of the association
  • fundraising activites for the association

The association claims to be apolitical, independent, transparent and non-discriminatory.

In the case you need to get tested you find us every Friday on this address: Bebravská 34, Bratislava (medical center) 4pm- 7pm. In other cases (to get some information) contact us on our email

Contact us
Sme členom Asociácie na ochranu práv pacientov SR
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